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Click here to see notes both sides share and learn. NOTE: Come early, or stay where it exists and, if to learn more about disagreeing. Attend a Fairfax brave Set Up refreshments and informal discussion. We count on courageous people like you to demonstrate how we can learn from and interact with each other as we explore and problem-solve together.
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GOAL 20220918 vs Fairfax BraveFairfax BRAVE will field both boys' and girls' teams from UU19 age groups (12 teams total) beginning in the season. BRYC and VYS will continue to. Fairfax Virginia Union's inaugural ECNL National League season will kick off this fall for the seasonal year for both boys' and girls'. Fairfax Brave - Location: Fairfax, VA, United States - Elite Youth League Memberships: ECNL Boys, ECNL Girls - Main website.